Friday, May 25, 2012

May 23, 2012

Hey Family,
Lots of miracles have happened this week.
First off The Dea Family Told us yesterday that we could come and teach them the lessons. YES YES YES I'm so pumped to be part of that. I yelled in the car for joy as i heard what she had texted us. Man i was so happy.
Second We had an amazing lesson with a part member family. The Sister Berger and Robert her non member husband have been coming to church together for several months. He has never taken the Missionary lessons But still comes to church even if his wife is absent. Super Solid. I have no idea why he has never had the missionaries over. Well on Sunday he came up to us and asked us his schedule for the week and we told him any day works for us. he told us to come over Yesterday so we did. The spirit was so strong there and we both bore our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and he committed to read sincerely and pray with real intent if it was true. He will get an answer i know it.
Those are just a couple of the many miracles that happened this week. Good week. over all.
We went over to a less actives house and my companion said that he was a crazy Belgium. Man Was he right. We ended up rebuking him because he knew that the Book of Mormon was true and he wasn't living up to the covenants he made with God. It felt like we were yelling at him but the spirit was there. Super weird. Kinda cool. At the beginning he fought back but by the end he was speechless and the message was understood. At the end of the rebuke he asked and where do we go from here? Our response was TO CHURCH. He did not like that... just made up more excuses and is still as suborn as always.

Im glad all is well back in The Great State of Utah. Thanks for all you do.

I love you and miss you all.

Elder Olsen

May 16, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,
It was so nice to hear your voice on Sunday. I loved the few short minutes we talked. Nothing much has happened since we talked. I went on an exchange with the "capitol Elders." That was fun, I got a whole bunch of House ties from their apartment. Other than that nothing has changed. I was super tired Tuesday but i worked through it and am still trying my best to obey all the rules and such. still having a hard time waking up but I'm trying new stuff every week. sooner or later I'm going to find something that works. Thanks for all you do.
I love you.
Love/Elder Olsen
PS I sent Nate a present for his farewell next Sunday. Tell him to work hard and to never give up.

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 9, 2012

Dear Family,
Well this week wasn't so bad. except i am super tired as you can see by the way I'm writing my email. We had zone activity today. We had An Olympic day. with lots of events and such. It was OK Not a fan of taking my whole p day to do it but it was OK.
Miracle of the week-
So about a week ago we stopped by a less active in the ward named the Dea (Dee) family. we had no idea who they were or anything. We knocked her door and she let us in. come to find out that she never really gained a testimony and such. also she told us that she usually brushes the missionaries off never lets them in. so we get in and we just start chatting with her about life. Then we start being missionaries and we invite her to take the lessons again so she could develop a testimony for her self. We could tell she wanted to say yes but she said she would talk about it with her husband.
Well we leave and then on Sunday we see Her whole family(Two non-baptized kid included) at church and they stayed all three hours. She also thanked us for getting them there and that they will see us next week.YES!!!!!!!!
Miracle Baby. Love them.
Well got to go.
Love Elder Olsen

P.S. Elder Pearson is an Assistant to the President now. HaHa.
P.S.S. Tell Grandma and Grandpa Olsen That I'm sorry i haven't responded to them yet I'm just so engulfed in the work.
P.S.S. S. did you know that Sister Matsumori has a blog about us missionaries for the mothers back home?

May 2, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad,
The new area is going really well. The members are always super excited to do missionary work. This is the best ward so far for missionary work. When the members do missionary work it makes our job alot easier. Our job as missionaries is not to find people to teach its to teach people the members find. They are the finders and we are the teachers. we get fed every night and I have a feeling that I'm going to gain a little weight here in Bowie ward. well I'm In a place called PG county. Its notorious around the mission for being a scary place. Lots of crime. but i don't live in it i live in a place called Croften. its safe here were i live, our area just covers PG county.
Well my companion is interesting ill write a letter about him soon Just remind me next week if you don't get it.
Tell Whitney and Lauren Congratulations and i hope the best for them. Is Whitney getting married in the Temple??
well that's all i have time for today sorry we have lots of stuff we have to do today.
Tell dad to send me some of his old ties will ya?
Love you guys,
Elder Olsen