Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 20, 2011

Dear mom.
Sorry for not e-mailing you last week. We had a "death temple trip" (killer long drive)  and it took our whole p-day. But Ya My Trainer was taken away from me this transfer. Today was transfer day and I have a new companion His name is Elder Furugen. He is from Japan and is so cool. So I'm in charge of the area for a while. Its kinda scary but i guess the Lord thinks im ready for that. Maybe he thinks I'm a fast learner. ( HAHA That's a funny one) My trainer is becoming a Zone Leader. HaHa that's so much work for him. I hope everything is going well for you back in Utah. Out here if your from utah your called a utard. Kinda mean but ya it fits lots of people there but not us OLSENS. Haha ( on a good day) HaHa.
So I'll be able to text you to know what time I should call you this Sunday. Be thinking about that cuz I'll text you on Saturday. cool hu? the mission pres gave permission. I love the Technology era that we live in. 
I'm so excited for our first baptism. It's on dec 31st Yay. Her name is Mary Fletcher. She's cool.
So ya be thinkin about what questions your going to ask me sunday because i can answer more talking rather than e-mail and letters.
Talk to you soon....for reals! 
Elder Olsen
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Nathan Olsen <> wrote

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lexington Park


My Apartment in Lexington Park

My Desk....Ryan's Pictures on my wall.

Elder Probst

First Photos From Washington D.C.

Good-Bye Salt Lake City.....

My First Look at the Washington D.C. Temple

President and Sister  Matsumori

The 14 new missionaries in the Washington D.C. North Mission.

December 7, 2011

 My chin...HaHa my roomates played a prank on me and that was the result. I LOVE BEING GREEN!!! NOT.

Well,  got another B-Date. Her name is Mary Fletcher. She is a super sweet girl. its cool because shes getting baptized on new years day and confirmed on january 1, 2012. its so cool.
I'm doing great. This week went by way slow but we got tons of work done. last friday we had CDM. It's where we have Personal interviews with President Matsumori and Sis Matsumori. They are so nice and really smart. I love them.
We are constantly meeting new people in and out of the ward. So many different people with different backgrounds. All of them need a different teaching style and order to how missionaries teach them. We have to "Go to Heaven" for our inspired Questions. Thats what im sturuggling on...GOING TO HEAVEN. But i'm trying and i seem to be getting better at it.
Did you see my MTC Roomates chest? So funny.. ahahahahahaha

Elder Ball's Hairy Chest before Elder Olsen's "Make-Over" 

Now Eder Ball has a permanent tie and name badge shaved into his chest hair!

Well anyway thanks for all you guys do you are amazing ill talk to you more next week.
Elder Olsen(Nate)

Pictures From the MTC Part 2

Elder Ball and Elder Olsen

Elder Olsen's Roommates


Elder Olsen's MTC Teachers
First Snow!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30, 2011

Dear Mother,
Im sending a SD card home Today that has tons of pics like you'll be able to visulize my condition. HaHa. but i'm doing great. I got my First B-Date Yesturday!!! So cool. Her name is Wendy and she's going to be baptised on January 21. She has lots of pets and is a very cool person.
Today it started to really cool off.  We've had record breaking high temp. this past week but its now starting to feel like November. O wait its almost Dec. Haha.
Im eating fine. We have a meal at a members home almost every night and its good stuff. love it!!
Im feeling great and learning everyday. I haven't gone tracting yet because we have just been working with less active members and investagator referals, but i feel it coming. 
Mindy sent me some sweet notebooks and some Scripture glue ins. I have no idea where that came from...but SWEET!
If your going to send a note to someone send it to Brother Weitzner. He is the ward mission leader and a legend on the mission, He feeds us all the time and has left overs every time for us to bring home. He's the one to do that too. But the Hasegawas is also a good idea, make sure you bear your testamony about how the gospel/me being out here on a mission blesses our family. Brother Weitzner is a convert and one of the most giving people on the earth. He helps us with everything. And gives us a hug everytime we leave his house. He is so cool!!! 
Grandma...Thank you so much for the package its great!! I'm going to make the pudding today and my roomies are excited for it. I am Too. Man thats good stuff. I love you and miss you and the fam. but i know that what im doing is the right thing to do and you will be blessed for what im doing out here. (Keep Hangin In!)
Thanks for all you do.
Elder Olsen
P.S. BOOTS!!!!!!! I need them badly. WE have tons of service and such. I'm wrecking my workout shoes and so I need a pair of work boots (cowboy boots.)
P.S.S. Tell nate that I only have 30 min to email or I would send him his own email. sorry. Make sure he gets that gift I got him for christmas.
Love you All bye

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 23, 2011

Dear Mom, Family and Friends-
I Dont Capitalize because i dont have time. I can type more if i dont worry bout that. i think that's what you want right. i have limited time on computers.
No all mail should go directly to the mission office and they will forward it to us. The packages the dont forward. they give them to the Zone Leaders and the next time we see them they give them to us. We see them once a week on Fridays. so ya the forwarding takes two days for letters cuz were clear down here in southern Maryland. I dont have the adresses yet that you sent but I will problay get them on friday. Thanks for that. How bout my boots its getting muddy down here. ahha i could use them. were doing lots of service. Its not cold at all here yet its still 65 degrees but Probst Says its coming. JOY!!! 
I have taught many disscussions. Very fun. And enjoyable/scary at the same time. I am getting better though. and thats what matters. There are lots of gross places here. Houses with cockroaches and just discusting enviroments. So dirty that you can't feel the spirit very easily in their homes. not good. but there are also many nice places. Lots of military down here like airforce people. Military houses are all the same on the outside so its quite easy to get lost in those parts of town.
Ya this ward is Huge it covers a massive area and there are not many people at church. but were going to change that. haha. Its the Lexington Park Ward and we have meals at members houses every night except saturdays. very cool. The record weight gain is 30 pounds in one transfer(6 weeks). Gross.
 will you forward emails to Nate. That would save me time and be a great idea please. Thanks!
We cant have appointments and proselyte on thanksgiving. so we have dinner at the Hasegawas Home(A Part member Family) they are the best cooks. K I have to go Sorry...Not a Very fast typer!
 Love-Elder Olsen

Monday, November 21, 2011

First Photo from Washington

President Matsumori and Sister Matsumori with Nathan
at the Washington D.C. Temple on November 8, 2011,
the day he arrived from the MTC.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16, 2011

Dear family and friends-
Sorry about the way short email last week. I got in on a p day(Wednesday) and we had like 10 min to email our family, just to tell them we didn't die on the plane or something. And half way through my writing, someone came up and asked me about political stuff and what the up coming pres believes in. WOW I didn't think he could win but people out here think so. HaHa. That's why it was so short. sorry!

So, I'm serving in the Lexington Park Ward. It's like one of the biggest areas in the mission, so I have a car. Your prayers were answered I'm in a car for the winter mom!! My comps name is Elder Probst he's from Midway, Utah and has been out like 20 months. He is super sweet and is way chill. I will learn tons from him! I know that pres. was inspired to put me in my area first and with Elder Probst. He is just what I needed.
The temple is so beautiful!!!! The session was so sweet and there are even fountains inside the temple. So cool. Man I think I want to get married in that one. Hahahhahaha!  
So I'm in this area for at least 2 transfers because I'm a greenie. That's like 12 weeks min. By the way thanks for those packages they were great.
I miss you guys so much, but as I stay busy I don't think about that. I focus on the work, which is great. I was way home sick on Saturday, to the point of crying, but i prayed and I haven't had it that bad since. Prayer is So Powerful. We Pray like 20 times a day and it helps us with the work and such. Tell everyone to Pray often and they will be blessed because of that.
On the plane from Atlanta to DC, there was this gangster black guy that was across the isle. He asked me if we were going to like a conference or something. I said that we were missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day saints, explained what that meant, and gave him a pass along card.  I also told him to go to  He said cool and I fell asleep. That was about all the proselyting  for a middle of the night! That flight just about killed me. I'm still trying to recover from that.
But, So, Lexington Park didn't have missionaries for awhile before I got here. So we are doing something called a White Wash. Still trying to get down the missionary lingo. Like Elder Probst is my Father. weird. So were trying to get to know the area lots. The members down here are amazing. They feed us tons and its quality food. I've gained five pounds since leaving home.
There are lots of crazy people here and its kinda scary. I know that I'm protected. For example, there was this lady and she looked like she was a native from like Alaska or something. She was saying lots of crazy stuff to me and Probst  Like God gave me the healing hand and I talk to God. We were just like Ya.Ya Ya and she talked for like 15 min. Then as we said good bye, she said for me to drink hot chocolate and cinnamon to make my wrinkles on my head go away. I like them Lady! COME ON! It's who I am! But I was nice and said thank you and ran(Walked) away.
You need to tell me more about how the families doing. Come on, I love you guys too!
There are so many trees here. Almost as beautiful as Utah, minus the mountains. I miss the mountains so much. If you could send me my Cowboy boots Asap in like a flat rate box I'll pay for it. I'm doing lots of service and they would be so useful. I love you all so much and pray for you often.

Elder Olsen

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pictures From the MTC Part1

Yes...I tied my own tie!  Thanks for teaching me, grandpa!

Discovered this cool setting on my camera!

Me and my companion, Elder Ball

Elder Ball

My room

Look Dad....I washed my own shirts!

My treats....lots of packages!

Is it time for bed yet?